I found the answer for the Macros in Massive. What the user is to suppose to do is write in the Macro Control the name the knob is to control. However, they are to control according to the scheme. Below explains what it's about.
The exact assignments for each preset will vary, but in general they conform to the following pattern. Note that you can assign these knobs to control whatever parameters you want; the descriptions below reflect only the typical settings of the presets in the MASSIVE sound library.
1. MacroKnobs1and2:Oscillator.Settings related to the oscillator section are generally assigned to these first two knobs. Examples: WT-position, Intensity, Pitch (for chords etc.)
2 Macro Knobs 3 and 4: Spectrum. This column usually controls settings related to the frequency domain, i.e. anything that changes the sound i.e. spectrum. Examples: Filter Cutoff, Phase distortion level
3. Macro Knobs 5 and 6: FX. Effect-related settings are typically assigned to knobs 5 and 6. The dry/wet parameters of active effects are often assigned to Control knob 5. The other Control knob may be assigned to other effect parameters such as effect time, feedback, and so on.
4. Macro Knobs 7 and 8: Motion/Time. Knobs 7 and 8 are related to the time domain, i.e. anything that changes the sound in time. Parameters such as modulation speed and intensity or the L FO or Stepper Rate may be assigned here. Examples: Rate/Amp of LFO/Env/Stepper/Performer, Morph speed, Envelope amount.
This was taken from the Massive Reference: Section 4:9 Page 83. I suppose it's alright to post this but it may be a good idea for me to check with Native Instruments. I'm unable to delete the post but I wanted to leave it up here in case anyone else doesn't know this information.