Logic X Smart Tempo not following audio signal of imported bounce from Logic X
Feb 23rd, 2021, 12:36
I've got a song that's 128 BPM until the last verse. At that point it slows to about 100 BPM for ten measures or so and then speeds back up. It's an organic feel, so I recorded the slow-down section naturally without a click and then spliced that recording back into the 128 BPM file at the right measure. In order to use Smart Tempo to map the tempo change, I bounced the whole song to an MP3 and then imported that bounce into a new file with "Adapt tempo" set in Smart Tempo under Project Settings. To be sure the tempo was easy to read, I had added a simple drum track (Boom CHAK! Boom Boom CHAK!) for the whole song, quantized for the first verses, but, of course, left unaltered for the rest of the song.
I bounced that song to MP3 and dragged the MP3 into the new file. Smart Tempo analyzed it, but, to my surprise, it arrived at a perfect 128 BPM for the whole song. So, on the one hand, it clearly read "something," but it couldn't have been reading the audio since the tempo change was huge and incredibly obvious. I had even made the drum track extra loud in the mix.
It struck me that Smart Tempo had to be reading the BPM setting from the previous Logic file, which must have been burned into the MP3, regardless of the tempo of the actual audio. So I right-clicked on the track and removed its tempo and then copied-and-pasted that tempo-stripped track into another file with Smart Tempo set to ADAPT, but that made not difference. Still 128 BPM for the whole song. So I took the MP3 file to another computer and converted it to WAV format, but this made no difference either. Somehow 128 BPM was still printed into the file itself, without the audio actually being 128 BPM except for in the first verses.
1) Is there an easier way I should have gone about this?
2) Why in the world didn't this work?
If I import a file recorded on another device into Logic set to ADAPT, Smart Tempo does indeed map the tempo fluctuations for the recording.