Joe, thanks.
I think I'm looking in the places you're saying.
When I look at the main track, we see the gray, actually brownish, automation line. At 155 BPM, it's way out of place, to the left of the signals its supposed to modify. But at 120, it moves into position.
We see the brownish faded line on the main track, but if I click the triangle to open up the companion automation track, there's no brownish line visible there. This is true no matter what parameter I select: Volume Absolute, Volume Relative, Pan Absolute, Pan Relative, Solo, or Mute. A new horizontal line is introduced for each of these parameters, but nothing that shows the faded brownish automation data. That line remains visible on the main track, but only there.
If I select these same parameters using the button on the main track, the results are the same. New faded horizontal lines are introduced, but none of the parameters turn the brownish faded line into an active line.
On the main track, if I change the Track button to Region, the brownish faded line disappears.
On the main track, if I disable the Track button, the brownish faded line becomes thinner, but doesn't disappear. This would suggest that Logic does read it as Track automation.
There are several other buttons in the header. If I click, I, R, S, M, or H, nothing happens to the brownish faded automation line.
This file was created in order to reconstitute a file that had originated in GarageBand. The very original recordings were done in Logic in a pro studio, 155 BPM, but the singer only had GarageBand and she simply imported the engineer's rough mix as Track 1 and then recorded lots of vocals. This file was then brought over to my studio, and saved in Logic, where more vocals were recorded on it, and all of the automation, with the file still at 120 BPM.
Because I couldn't monitor MIDI instruments while recording them, couldn't monitor guitar effects while recording them -- though I could hear the dry guitar -- couldn't record more than one track at once, Iet alone the problems with BPM 120 vs 155, I decided to reconstitute the track in a new Logic file. As the most effective way of dealing with the BPM problem, I made all of the tracks the same length in the converted GB file by putting dummy audio at the beginning and end of each track and Joining the regions. I then simply copy-and-pasted each track from the suspect Logic file into the fresh Logic file.
The active automation, heavy yellow, with nodes, is definitely still in the suspect Logic file. Perhaps there is a more certain way of copy-and-pasting the automation from each track of that file onto the tracks of the fresh file.
In any case, whatever the brownish faded automation line is being understood as by Logic, it definitely is there. It disappears if I "Delete All Automation," it becomes lighter if I disable Track automation. But it can't be selected with the mouse. If it can somehow be made active in that file, presumably it can be copied onto the correct parameter.
Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. Sure do appreciate your help.