  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    First Look At Logic 8
    I've posted some Logic Pro 8 videos as previews here: [url][/url] We will be releasing the "First Look At Logic 8" cameo to the Logic TNT tomorrow morning (Thursday), so stay tuned!!
  • prospect
    Posts: 6
    Joined: Jul 10th, 2006
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    You fellas are so on top of your game! Thank you for this! Will there be some sort of discount for those us who purchased the LP7 videos suite?
  • heimi
    Posts: 72
    Joined: Apr 13th, 2007
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    Martin great! Will there be some Logic 8 Tutorials like: - Mastering Logic 8 - WaveBurner 1.5 - etc. Is it true that it's easier to use multi-instruments in logic 8? No actions needed in the environment. Just a few clicks like in cubase/nuendo etc.?
  • Dave
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    [quote:1034]You fellas are so on top of your game! Thank you for this! Will there be some sort of discount for those us who purchased the LP7 videos suite? [/quote] I would also like to know this. i only purchased the Logic 303 thirteen days ago.
  • Dave
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    Or am i mistaken? Will the new Logic 8 Preview videos be shown in future Logic 303 tutirials?
  • kayleclements
    Posts: 56
    Joined: Jul 22nd, 2006
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    [quote:8277]Or am i mistaken? Will the new Logic 8 Preview videos be shown in future Logic 303 tutirials?[/quote] See this thread: [url][/url] from here on out - its all Logic 8 -
  • Ellis
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Jul 11th, 2006
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    Martin-- These are great videos! I just got home with my update when I saw that your videos had been posted. After watching them I just couldn't wait to install--doing that right now with fingers crossed! Thanks to you I will be finding my way around right away. You, Steve, and Igor are the best!
  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    Thanks for the kind words guys!! We'[re trying our hardest to stay on top of our Logic tutorials ... :) ... hopefully 1 day was not too long to wait!
  • Ellis
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Jul 11th, 2006
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    The 1 day wait was not too long for me--the install was simple, and I have already had time to explore the things that you demonstrated. I really like what I see, but I know that there are so many new things waiting to be discovered. I look forward to the new Logic 8 tutorials, and I think that the concept of the "Tips" subscription is very forward-thinking, and so very well done. Thank you for helping all of us so much.
  • KG logic
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Sep 14th, 2007
    Re: First Look At Logic 8
    Hi Martin. It's been a while. You were my Logic Train the Trainer teacher in Boston, Sept. 9-11 2003. I helped you with a feedback problem in the classroom. I hope all is well in your travels. It's great to see what you've put together here at MacProVideo. The tutorials have helped people really get to know the software so they can maximize productivity. I've been busy training coporate clients on Logic Pro and composing music for TV and film. Now waitng for my Logic Studio upgrade to arrive on Monday. More studying to recertify again. It never ends. I'll be checking out your new videos to get up to speed on Logic's new features. All of my clients are waiting......Take care, God bless, and hope to run into you again. Maybe I'll visit Vancouver one day!
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