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by: michaelWohl
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  • Student320225
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Feb 23rd, 2015
    iMovie beginner thoughts and ideas.
    Hi. Help me with these question marks. Thought to use iMovie to save and to some extent sort my regular family movie clips 1.After import, if I want to delete a clip that is completely discarded. How to delete it completely? Do not just want lots of hidden files, today's cameras deliver fairly large files? 2. after import. A long cut is 90% crap. Can you not then split it and completely discard the part that is bad? 3. is perhaps the way of working is meant to be different from what I imagined. Ie. After import edit, export and then delete all source material? How are you others doing here? Not sure you have the time and energy to "always" edit things like filming at parties etc. Maybe just a little simple wish to discard it as useless? 4 is there pherhaps a more easy and better wayway to store your files.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: iMovie beginner thoughts and ideas.
    Hi - I'm really an audio guy, but I found some information on this.. - You should be able to delete a completely unused video file from HD, though how to do this seems to depend on the version of iMovie - Apparently you can "Reject" sections of a video clip, though, again, how to do this seems to vary in different versions of iMovie - It might not be possible to delete the unused portions of a video file if parts of it are still used in the project * -- I'm not clear on that * Remember, iMovie is all about non-destructive editing, where the usual modus operandi is to keep everything and utilize very large (external) storage media This link is to an Apple iMovie help page -- it's not that detailed but it would seem to concur with the above, though I guess you'd have to test with some expendable video to be sure.. I also linked this thread to an iMovie course, though, again, things may work differently in different versions of iMovie.. Video #27 talks about Rejecting clips/sections, but again, doesn't make it clear if you can actually delete the rejected data of a partially-used clip from HD. In audio DAWs, there's sometimes a command to delete unused sections of a partially-used audio recording from HD, but most users don't bother with that because audio files are much smaller than video files. In audio DAWs it's also possible to bounce the used part of an audio file to a separate, smaller file and then delete the original, but I don't know if that's possible or easy enough to do in video applications..
  • sahrenity
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Aug 21st, 2020
    Re: iMovie beginner thoughts and ideas.
    Hi Apple keeps making iMovie worse with each "update". There is perhaps a more easy and better way to edit and store your files. You can try Adobe or Movavi - Good luck!
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