Great info Joe, thanks. I will look into these stereoizing plugins as that might be a better way to accomplish what I’m trying to do. And yes, that’s what I’m trying to do – help break up the two stereo signals into opposite frequencies somewhat and I guess adding width would be a bonus I had not considered (I figured I could just adjust the width in visual mixer but hadn’t given it more thought than that)
My problem arises in that I want some of the instruments I pan left to be compressed along with some of the instruments I pan right. For example I have a part that is played in one register by a keyboard, and played in a higher register by a synth.
- I want the two to be compressed together to give them a little cohesion to separate them from the other two parts playing at the same time in similar enough registers.
- I then want them, after sharing compression, to go to either a high pass and low pass filter respectively OR maybe a stereoizing plug in to separate them into opposite frequencies
- I can’t see a way to have an output from one buss (the buss that runs the compression on both parts) to split up and be sent separately to two different pass filters or two different stereoizer channels (I’m not sure how these stereoizing plugins work yet)
I’m wondering, if I have 2 parts that I want to compress together for cohesion but which I ALSO want to filter or stereoize into opposite frequencies for stereo effect – what would be the best way you can think of to accomplish both of these tasks? One task seems to be summing in a sense and one seems to be separating in a different sense.
Any thoughts? I’ve thought of:
- Solution 1: sending to a buss with compression and ALSO sending to two opposite pass filters or stereoizer channels in PARALLEL
- Solution 2: sending them to opposite pass filters or stereoizer channels first and THEN sending the low passed and high passed signals (or opposite stereoized signals) to one buss with compression
Are either of these obviously more problematic than the other? I know we’re deep in “which comes first” territory again, lol. If I should just try both and see what works best I’ll happily do that. If one is obviously better or less problematic than the other please tell me. And if you have a third suggestion please let me know!
Thanks so much for your time. I took in your Neutron course last night and it's definitely broadened my horizons and planted some new ideas in my head. Very clear and concise and I didn’t have to take notes because it was pretty intuitive stuff once it’s clearly explained. Good course – thanks!