  • NewSc2
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Mar 2nd, 2007
    Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    Hi Martin (and Steve and everybody else). Thanks again for all of your great tutorial videos! I think most people are visual learners, and your videos make learning these programs fun and enlightening. It's a vast difference from reading a 500-pg. manual. Your videos are great for brushing up my computer technique, but I've been hoping to see a songwriting tutorial to help us all out with our technical music knowledge. I know a lot of the popular music out these days (pop/rock, electronic, hip-hop) are pretty basic, but it never hurts to pick up a better understanding of complex chords and progressions. I know it seems like a hard topic to approach and fully cover, and isn't really related with any Mac programs, but I think it would be really helpful. The quality of tutorials I've purchased from MacProVideo are much better than other video tutorials I've seen, and I think you guys would do a much better job of explaining music theory and songwriting concepts than other tutorials have attempted to do. I love the perspective you guys take on approaching different topics, and the little bits of insight you guys give make a huge difference towards learning complicated concepts. If you guys don't have plans to add these tutorials, then I'd appreciate it if you could point me to any books or other resources you've found helpful.
  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    Re: Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    Steve and I have ben talking about a song writing tutorial for literally years now ... it's a pretty hard nut to crack though do to the logistics of such a production ... but we are still working towards this. As for an ETA, it wouldn't be until Fall at the earliest, as we are chock-a-block full of other productions at the moment. It's certainly on the radar though ...
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    It is something that I WILL do some day soon!
  • David T
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Jul 1st, 2008
    Re: Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    Hi, I recently came across and am very impressed so far. What I desperately need is something on music theory basics or more focused on scales and the sort of stuff needed to make music. David
  • macnando
    Posts: 134
    Joined: Sep 23rd, 2006
    Re: Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    How could this be connected to Logic? Or Sibelius? BTW a Finale Tutorial is missing guys! It is an excellent idea and I hope you can crack this nut! greetings, macnando
  • macnando
    Posts: 134
    Joined: Sep 23rd, 2006
    Re: Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    And for you, NewSc2, I would suggest "Elementary Training for Musicians" from Paul Hindemith. He also wrote other books like Traditional Harmony, The Craft of Musical Composition, but just in case you want to write classical stuff. But that first one will give you a base for whatever you wanna be as a musician. Well, I know, there is a bunch of options out there, this is just one... greetings, macnando
  • DJNeptune
    Posts: 1
    Joined: May 22nd, 2008
    Re: Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    Dear Martin and the MacProVideo team, Your tutorials are great. I have been a DJ for 14 years, and over the last year I have been making the transition to producing my own tracks. The learning curve is steep, and I found that reading forums and texts was unbearable. With your video tutorials, the breadth of my knowledge and ease of use of Logic and other programs has benefited greatly. I would make one suggestion though. Most of your videos assume a fairly extensive familiarity with both musical theory and composition. For the learner, this can be a turn off, and I find myself often wondering just what makes a good arrangement? I think a great future video should be on song arrangement, including the musical theory that explains why, for example, minor chords have a particular effect vs majors, and how to compose a good breakdown and buildup in a track. For people like me that study hard but could use some advice, such a tutorial would be golden. Think about it, and if you do work on one please let me know. I'll be more than happy to be a beta tester or reviewer of anything you work on.
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: Music Theory/Songwriting Tutorial?
    Hello, I was listening to part of the master class tutorial and Steve mentioned a song writing tutorial so I was reading the post and it seems to indicate that it may be in the works. However, I am unsure what Logistics are involved. I am unsure of hand what ETA is. When it comes to theory, the basics would be easy to get. Getting the arrangement to sound good is mostly found by in your ear. There's no right and wrong but understanding what it is you do, what to call it, such as, where the majors and the minors and the diminished and augmented goes diatonically does help. That's not hard to understand if you can spell the chords. AW
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