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InDesign CC & CS6 102
Starting A New Document
by: markgatter
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  • Student451774
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Dec 5th, 2019
    Create a book in InDesign
    Anybody have suggestions on where to find instructions on this? I see nothing on macprovideo and YouTube is all over the place with varying opinions of how to approach it.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Create a book in InDesign
    MPV does have some courses on InDesign -- you can find them here: This course goes through the process of starting a new InDesign document: The courses were created in a slightly older version of InDesign, but if you're getting started with the program there should be some helpful material in there. I've linked this thread to the course on Starting A New Document in case you want to check it out.
  • Student451774
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Dec 5th, 2019
    Re: Create a book in InDesign
    Thank you for the response. These courses have very little to do with creating a book. Things like chapters vs. sections, reference markers and other types of markers that can be used for a bibliography and other page creations, eBook formatting, Table of Contents, and many other things that apply to to books. I will keep looking. Thank you.
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