I need help with editing patches
Aug 12th, 2021, 09:17
I'm new to Mainstage, and, from what I've read, it's best to set up everything at Concert level first, then go in and 'fine tune' your individual song settings.
And so that's what I did...I have my Concert with all my Channel strips (guitar/vocals) and Auxiliary Strips, each with various plug-ins (delay/chorus/reverb) set up. I have it all laid out with all the buttons assigned to enable/disable plug-ins. When I go into Performance mode, everything works at the Concert level. For example, when I press the button for vocal delay, vocal delay comes on.
So, now I'm trying to create and set up patches for individual songs, all using the Channel/Auxiliary strip settings...like on one song, I want delay enabled for vocals...for another song I want delay enabled for guitar. The problem is, when I select a song patch (not global concert) and enable delay for guitar, and then switch over to another song, the settings don't get remembered. It's as if my tweaks are being globally applied even though I'm editing at patch level.
What am I doing wrong?