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  • Student484793
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Aug 12th, 2021
    I need help with editing patches
    I'm new to Mainstage, and, from what I've read, it's best to set up everything at Concert level first, then go in and 'fine tune' your individual song settings. And so that's what I did...I have my Concert with all my Channel strips (guitar/vocals) and Auxiliary Strips, each with various plug-ins (delay/chorus/reverb) set up. I have it all laid out with all the buttons assigned to enable/disable plug-ins. When I go into Performance mode, everything works at the Concert level. For example, when I press the button for vocal delay, vocal delay comes on. So, now I'm trying to create and set up patches for individual songs, all using the Channel/Auxiliary strip on one song, I want delay enabled for vocals...for another song I want delay enabled for guitar. The problem is, when I select a song patch (not global concert) and enable delay for guitar, and then switch over to another song, the settings don't get remembered. It's as if my tweaks are being globally applied even though I'm editing at patch level. What am I doing wrong?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: I need help with editing patches
    Hi - I attached a MainStage course to this thread (click More Info, above).. He gets into applications of Concerts, Sets, and Patches in a couple of the videos -- in particular video #20 seems to be related what you're talking about, maybe that would be helpful.. You said settings don't gets remembered, but then you said tweaks are being globally applied -- does that mean you made different settings in different Patches but then they were changed in all Patches? If that's the case, it sounds like those devices must in fact be set up at the Concert or Set level rather than the Patch level. (I tried creating a few Patches, and everything changed when I switched Patches, but it looks like it may be also possible to have settings that stay the same for all Patches in a Set or Concert). I'm more of a Logic user than a MainStage user, so I don't have experience with complex MainStage setups, but it seems like that's what's being shown in the video I mentioned.. Perhaps a regular MainStage user who employs similar setups will have more specific suggestions to offer..
  • Student484793
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Aug 12th, 2021
    Re: I need help with editing patches
    Perhaps my operating premise (set up Concert level first) is faulty? Still, it seems very logical to me that I would set up my channels and auxiliary strips (w/plug-ins) *globally* (at concert level), but then be able to tweak them at a patch level without said tweaks affecting every other patch. I guess my question would be, if I set it up wrong, is there a way to make my concert-level settings into a patch?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: I need help with editing patches
    In the video it seemed to me like you might be able to create global channel strips, dial up the basic settings, then copy them into each Patch, turn off the global ones, and tweak the Patch-level effects individually for each Patch..? It sounds like what you really would like is to have global effects but then be able to offset some of the settings on a per-Patch basis? I'm not sure if MainStage has anything like that -- it doesn't seem so, but again I'm not really much of a MainStage user, so I guess it's worth exploring.. Maybe the rest of that course gets further into those kinds of Concert/Set/Patch distinctions..?
  • Student484793
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Aug 12th, 2021
    Re: I need help with editing patches
    "It sounds like what you really would like is to have global effects but then be able to offset some of the settings on a per-Patch basis?" It doesn't seem, to me, to make sense to *not* have that. I mean, I wouldn't think anyone would want to get into the details of a song/patch editing until they've made some global settings. I don't want 15 different channel strips with 15 different reverbs. I want 1 global strip with 1 reverb where I can change the dry/wet mix, depending on the song/patch. Anyway, thanks for your time : ) Anthony
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: I need help with editing patches
    Ah ok, you're thinking of traditional Send & Return effects, where the reverb is a global Aux but the amount applied to each Patch is different.. Yes, that makes sense -- it sounded like you were looking to have selected different internal plug-in settings for the same effect in each Patch. I would think that it *might* be possible to set up Sends from different Patches to a global reverb (or other parallel effect), though off the top of my head I don't know if Send & Return routing is actually available between Patches and global effects (at the Set or Concert level) in MS..
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: I need help with editing patches
    Update -- I came across this, it seems to be what you're looking for: At one point it says Quote You can also add concert-wide effects to an aux at the patch level, if Show Signal Flow Channel Strips is turned on. For information about showing signal flow channel strips in the Channel Strips area, see Show signal flow channel strips in MainStage. I tried it and was easily able to set up global Send & Return reverb & delay effects, accessible from Sends in different Patches in a Concert, as per the instructions..
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