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by: Vanacoro
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  • bevinator
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Sep 19th, 2013
    automating patch changes.
    How do you automate patch changes from a marker cue in your backing track on playbacks I have for example a song which I have set payback tracks with click and cue for live or rehearsal and I don't want to use a midi foot pedal because this is the twenty-first century-i want to be able to come into the tune with a clean tone patch for intro lead then a chorus patch for verse and chorus then different delayed patch for bridge then full on distortion for the lead ect..ect how do I do this with automation and markers.ta Bev.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: automating patch changes.
    Hi Bev - I've attached a course up top that has a couple videos that touch on using the Playback plug-in in MainStage -- video #12 and video #24 -- though the course author does seem to focus on a particular MS preset that's set up for playing 8-track backing tracks, and I don't think he gets that deeply into what you're talking about. However, maybe he or another heavy MS user will notice this thread and offer some suggestions.. I've never used backing tracks in MS, but AFAICT there's no Automation per se -- as it's designed to be a live application it seems like you'd have to control what you're describing manually, or build it into the backing tracks themselves. But again, that's just a basic impression, and I don't completely understand exactly what you need to do. A quick search turned up a little discussion of something like what you described, but the consensus seemed to be that if someone wanted to Automate aspects of the backing track[s] they'd be better off running the backing tracks in Logic [and using Logic's Automation] in conjunction with MS for the live instruments/parts..
  • bevinator
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Sep 19th, 2013
    hey Joe Thanks for reply,
    But where will I find those Videos,Ta .Bev Dittberner
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: automating patch changes.
    Hi Bev - Just click on "More Info" in the graphic at the top, that'll take you to the course page where you can select which videos to watch..
  • Szieve
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Feb 8th, 2007
    Re: automating patch changes.
    midi program change from logic synced to mainstage. program changes live on midi tracks in logic, which is synced to mainstage. To do this efficiently, you'll have to explore apple scripts. I do this for my live show. I have a button in the mainstage interface (linked to my midi controller) that runs the script. the script shells over to logic, closes the current project, opens the appropriate project, and then shells back over to mainstage. The entire process takes about 3-5 seconds. you'll want to disable core audio for Logic when performing. You can use the same logic session you used to create the backing tracks, but I create separate versions that contain only midi data. Also create a midi bridge ( IAC in audio midi setup ) between Logic and Mainstage. Make sure Mainstage listens for patch changes from this source. Also a good ide if you hold notes out to not immediately silence previous patch in MS.
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