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Logic Pro 101
Essential Beginners' Guide (10.5)
by: bookeredwards
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  • jimmymio
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Jul 30th, 2009
    where can I buy older version of LPX?
    After a long hiatus I want to get back to recording. I have an older version of logic 9. I upgraded my 2009 Mac Pro to run High Sierra and now Logic 9 doesn't work. No problem-I was planning to purchase LPX anyway. But now Apple only offers 10.5 which won't run on High Sierra. I'm stuck in the middle. Does anybody know where i can get an older version of 10? Apple support said it was originally released on disks.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: where can I buy older version of LPX?
    I think your best bet is to contact Apple directly. Sometimes they make older versions of an OS available for those with computers that don't support the current version, but I don't know if they'll do that with applications as well.. I suspect that if your computer won't go beyond High Sierra they might, but if your computer supports Mojave 10.14.6 (the minimum requirement for Logic 10.5+, which is pretty stable) then they'll tell you to just upgrade the OS and get Logic 10.5. But again, I'm only speculating -- you'll want to contact Apple.. I don't remember any (legitimate) version of Logic Pro X being available on disks..
  • jimmymio
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Jul 30th, 2009
    Re: where can I buy older version of LPX?
    Thanks Joe. I did call Apple and the rep was friendly but he said he didn't have access to the older version. I'm guessing it was available til very recently. I wanted to try my luck with someone different but when I called back they weren't taking any more calls. Someone else recommended purchasing the app on a newer machine but not downloading it at time of purchase. Then move to my older Mac Pro and downloading it there. When I tried that the App Store said it would begin download immediately on purchase. There's gotta be a way!
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: where can I buy older version of LPX?
    10.5 (that requires Mojave+) only came out about a month ago -- up to then 10.4.8 (which I believe does run on High Sierra) was still available.. A couple of things.. - You said you have Logic 9 -- does the Apple Store Upgrade page offer a version that will run on your High Sierra Mac? - On a few websites I saw people claiming that Mojave OS can be installed on a 2009 Mac Pro under some circumstances (video card?) -- I don't know anything about that, but it might be worth checking into..?
  • jimmymio
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Jul 30th, 2009
    Re: where can I buy older version of LPX?
    Thanks for your help Joe. Was able to make the purchase on a newer computer and then download 10.4.8 onto my High Sierra mac Pro. Phew! Now..... can anybody recommend a book, course, video etc to learn Logic 10?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: where can I buy older version of LPX?
    Great! Sounds like you're all set.. As far as learning Logic X, you could start with the attached LPX course, and then proceed to the other courses in that series..
  • flatpickluvr
    Posts: 4
    Joined: May 1st, 2013
    Re: where can I buy older version of LPX?
    I used 10.5 on Mojave, which is a step up from High Sierra, with no problem... contact Apple though as I believe they are no longer supporting Sierra or High Sierra. They are definitely not supporting Logic 9 anymore.
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