Tutorial Request: Score Editor
Sep 21st, 2007, 02:43
I've pre-ordered and am looking greatly forward to my first MacProVideo Logic 8 101 vid(s). I've also enjoyed all the other helpful, in-depth tutorials that have helped me get more immersed in every aspect of what is now known as Logic Studio.
With that in mind, I would like to humbly request: A course that focuses primarily on the Score Editor. In some ways it is almost an application in itself that I have tried using a few times, and would use much more with the same in-depth knowledge of its inner workings, as well as workarounds for its various quirks and idiosyncracies. I don't really use it to compose so much as transcribe from classical scores, but since I never formally learned to read music, working with it has been a valuable educational tool as well.
Anyway, just wanted to throw that little squeak into the pool. I don't know of any other resource that exclusively addresses Logic's scoring tool (aside from that German guy's book that you can download that he wrote for EMagic a-many years ago), I have certainly never heard of anyone else with a course on it, and should MacProVideo choose to offer something like that I would definitely snatch it up in a heartbeat (at 150 bpm).