  • heimi
    Posts: 72
    Joined: Apr 13th, 2007
    Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8
    Hi Martin. "During the modular download period, you will get at least 1 hour of new Logic 8 tutorials each week until the program is fully released." What do you think Martin, how many hours will the complete tutorial will be? There are so many topics I miss in the Mastering Logic 7 tutorial. Maybe you will cover it in the 8 version. But, I really love your tutorials Martin! Heimi
  • Fawasyi
    Posts: 7
    Joined: Sep 17th, 2007
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8
    Will 101 Mastering Logic 8 parallel the topics of 101 Mastering Logic 7? I hope it does. So i get to learn the ins and outs of Logic in the context of version 8. Will MacProVideo also "redo" other training tutorial (EXS24, environment, plug-ins, ultrabeat, sculpture, etc), presented in Logic 8 framework? I like the tutorials you are doing. Very helpful for newbies like me. You are able to make Logic very easy when just relying on the manual can get really scary, overwhelming, and sometimes confusing! Congrats!
  • mPV Support
    Posts: 1425
    Joined: Aug 7th, 2006
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8
    [quote:25832]Will MacProVideo also "redo" other training tutorial (EXS24, environment, plug-ins, ultrabeat, sculpture, etc), presented in Logic 8 framework?[/quote] Here's what Martin revealed about the Logic's tutorials roadmap in one of the last MacProvideo newsletter. " Logic 8 Tutorial Upgrades As noted above, you can already check out Logic 8 tutorials by subscribing to the Logic 303: Logic TNT tutorial subscription. If you've purchased any of our other tutorial programs, you might be wondering how the transition to Logic 8 will affect your training programs. Well, let me tell you ... Tutorial Upgrades At, we generally give free upgrades to any tutorial that contains less than 20% new content. As Logic 8 includes a completely redesigned interface, all of the new tutorials will be 100% new content ... in other words, they will be completely new tutorials. However, I am extending the following courtesies to our members: 1. Apple is giving free upgrades to anyone that bought Logic on or after August 1st. We're going to match that deal, and beat it. If you bought our tutorials after (and including) July 1st, 2007, we will give you free upgrades to the new tutorials, once they are available. If you have not already picked up the Logic 101, do so now and get a free upgrade to our Logic 8 101 ... it's like getting 2 tutorials for the price of 1. 2. If you purchased the Logic 101 before July 1st, 2007, upgrade to the new Logic 8 101 for 50% off the cover price of $49.50. I hope you will agree this is a fair deal, as it takes a lot of time, effort, and expense to produce these tutorials, so we can't just give them away for free. 3. Regarding the rest of the product line ... most of the tutorials work the same in Logic 8 as they did in Logic 7. There may be a few interface differences, but that's about all. As we have limited time and resources to update the close to 30 hours of training that is currently available, we are implementing the following roadmap. Logic 102: Undetermined at this time Logic 103: No upgrade Required Logic 105: Replaced by Steve H's new Logic 201 (coming soon) Logic 202: No upgrade Required Logic 203: Replaced by Steve H's new Logic 201 (coming soon) Logic 204: No upgrade Required Logic 205: No upgrade Required Clear as mud? If you have any concerns about this transition, please drop us a line by visiting the contact page of" Cool things coming at :-)
  • Fawasyi
    Posts: 7
    Joined: Sep 17th, 2007
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8
    Oh, thanks, Christian! That is very clear... as crystal! It's good to know what will be upgraded and not! I will look forward to all the upgraded tutorials! Cool things comin' really! :-)
  • Xidehoy
    Posts: 172
    Joined: Aug 16th, 2007
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8
    "Apple is giving free upgrades to anyone that bought Logic on or after August 1st. We're going to match that deal, and beat it. If you bought our tutorials after (and including) July 1st, 2007, we will give you free upgrades to the new tutorials, once they are available." >> Best deal ever. Thanks guys. Here's a thought : Apple ships your suite of tutorials in lieu of their 10 lbs of documentation. This would get people off the learning curve more quickly and put an end to the slaughter of 50 square miles of British Columbia old growth trees! I'm SMRT.
  • heimi
    Posts: 72
    Joined: Apr 13th, 2007
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8Steve H's new Logic 201 (co
    Steve H's new Logic 201 (coming soon) Hmmmmm.................. 201 Advanced Logic 8 Can't wait. ;-) Heimi
  • Tim Lorent
    Posts: 17
    Joined: May 8th, 2007
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8Steve H's new Logic 201 (co
    That's awesome, because I've bought the Logic 101 tutorials on the 1st of July 2007 so now I can get the Logic 101 : Mastering Logic 8 for free, right?
  • CplusE
    Posts: 5
    Joined: Feb 28th, 2007
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8Steve H's new Logic 201 (co
    [quote:1687][quote:25832]2. If you purchased the Logic 101 before July 1st, 2007, upgrade to the new Logic 8 101 for 50% off the cover price of $49.50. I hope you will agree this is a fair deal, as it takes a lot of time, effort, and expense to produce these tutorials, so we can't just give them away for free. [/quote] I purchases the Logic 101 way before NED was out.but i opted for the CD to be sent to me. Am i able to still get this deal. And if so where is the option as I want to purchase today. Thank you.
  • macnando
    Posts: 134
    Joined: Sep 23rd, 2006
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8Steve H's new Logic 201 (co
    Hi Martin, Perhaps it would be a good idea to put a 50% coupon on our account or mailboxes that we could then preorder Logic 8 tutorial, what do you think? Greetings, macnando
  • Xidehoy
    Posts: 172
    Joined: Aug 16th, 2007
    Re: Logic 101: Mastering Logic 8Steve H's new Logic 201 (co
    [quote] I purchases the Logic 101 way before NED was out.but i opted for the CD to be sent to me. Am i able to still get this deal. And if so where is the option as I want to purchase today. Thank you. [/quote] CplusE - eligibility depends on *when* you purchased, not what you purchased. When did you make your purchase?
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