  • Jylefyy
    Posts: 26
    Joined: Nov 18th, 2010
    no volume from speakers
    Logic 9.1.3 Mac Mini 4G 2.66Ghz Dynaudio Air 6 Monitors I can't get any juice to or from my speakers. If I turn the Air 6 remote up most of the way, I can hear that a little, but it should be loud. I see the level in the Apogee Duet, but the speakers don't have it. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? thanks in advance, Frank
  • Hamish H
    Posts: 307
    Joined: May 4th, 2009
    Re: no volume from speakers
    Hi Frank Some quick questions: 1: Is your mac output coming up as the duet? (system preferences / sound / output) 2: Have you cabled the monitors correctly to the Duet? 3: Dynaudio Air 6 Monitors are active monitors, they should have individual volume controls. How far are they turned up? Cheers Frank Hamish
  • Jylefyy
    Posts: 26
    Joined: Nov 18th, 2010
    Re: no volume from speakers
    Hi Hamish, yes yes there's a remote that controls both speakers with one rotary knob, Cad-5 cables. hang on, it's suddenly working today, though I don't know why. Thanks, and I'll be back, Frank
  • Hamish H
    Posts: 307
    Joined: May 4th, 2009
    Re: no volume from speakers
    No worries Frank, glad they're working!
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