  • 2 SWIFT
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    quick color question in logic
    does anyone know how to assign the color to the track at the same time as doing it to the arrange window and mixer window? i find myself assigning twice and it just takes up to much time and its annoying as well...thanx
  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    Re: quick color question in logic
    In the arrange window, you can assign colors to regions, but not to tracks per se ... and that's probably the issue here. In the Track mixer, you are assigning color to the track strip, but in the arrange window, to the objects in the track ... they are different things. Personally, I find myself wondering why the object icons are not displayed on the track strip in the track mixer ... that would be a good way to tag the tracks. One good thing is that the two windows are linked, so when you select a track in one, it automatically selects in the other .... not sure if that helps.
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: quick color question in logic
    Go to the environment and assign colors to the audio objects in your Autoload. When that is accomplished, every track/channel and their regions will automatically be that object's color! For instance, I color all my instrument objects slightly different shades of blue, whereas all my audio objects may be slightl different shades of red...busses yellow...auxs greeen etc. You can also choose to show the track/channel color in the arrange window's track list by choosing to do so in the "view" menu. However, it's all preset in the environment first! Have fun!
  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    Re: quick color question in logic
    Well, there you go then! Nice tips guys!
  • jappeloop
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Apr 2nd, 2007
    Re: quick color question in logic
    I find the whole process of choosing colours very time consuming. I hope at some point (Logic 8) that they give you the option to randomly generate colours, like in Reason. That way you can concentrate on making music. Are there any Logic Autoloads (lso) out there with different colour schemes on offer?
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: quick color question in logic
    It's actually extrememly simple!! Check my response above and color all your templates. Randomizing colors will go against the editing you can do with "like" colors. If you're willing to do a little work up front with your templates Logic will save you time and make future "songs" easier and visually ergonomic.
  • heimi
    Posts: 72
    Joined: Apr 13th, 2007
    Re: quick color question in logic
    cool idea steve. Something for the Tips & Tricks section?
  • macnando
    Posts: 134
    Joined: Sep 23rd, 2006
    Re: quick color question in logic
    Cool, Steve! It works also for Logic Express users.
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