  • logicstarter
    Posts: 5
    Joined: Mar 21st, 2007
    new to logic express
    hi :) just get my logic express and i ve sen some video samples from and i would like to know which videos should i get to learn how to apllicate the efxs to the arranje delays,filters, to design the efects in the arranje windows...i know it sounds silly..but cant find the worlds to explain in other way anyway really hope that u can help me
  • macnando
    Posts: 134
    Joined: Sep 23rd, 2006
    Re: new to logic express
    Hi logicstarter, suggest you buy Logic 101 from MacProvideo. I did it and no regret, it is a great help not only for beginners. The problem is that you will feel like upgrading to Logic Pro, i mean, you will feel like one.
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