  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: sidechain ES2
    [quote:34022]I will work with this to see what I can find sense it is very basic and doesn't use a bus. I am sorry for the trouble.[/quote] No Problem Alan! When i get time I'll post a link to a Logic project with side chaining into ES2 from a software Inst. track (via a Bus). Cheers Rounik
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    I think your new ideas are cool, the ones you mentioned in the letter about the TNT. It really makes it a great source of training. Sincerley, Alan
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Hi Alan, I've uploaded a project showing the ES2 sidechained to a soft inst track via a bus. [url][/url] Notice that I've changed the output of Bus 1 to "No Output" so that the volume of the drums on Soft Inst & Bus isn't too high! Hope this helps. Cheers Rounik
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Just to be clear: The ES2 side chain takes "audio" in and uses the volume changes in that audio to generate control data to modulate any controllable target. In the world of electronic music this process is called envelope following. In fact, in old modular Moogs, Buchlas and Arps this module was called an"Envelope Follower". None of the original audio is actually passed through the ES2... only the shape of its volume envelope. For instance, imagine that your ES2 is a pad sound. And let's say that your side chain input is a drum track. Via the router, you've patched the the side chain to modulate the pitch of OSC's 123 and you've raised the router's input slider to the very top. Your result would be this: you'd get a spike in the pitch of the pad whenever the drums strike! Harder (louder) strikes will produce higher pitch shifts... and softer strikes will produce less high pitch shifts... silence will provide no pitch shift.... Get it? The pitch of the OSC's follow the volume envelope of the drums... the same results as using an old time "Envelope Follower" Steve H.
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Steve, yes I do. That was my mistake. That being an amplitude envelope follower, that does that. What I was thinking would be a cool thing to do is to be able to get the pitches of an audio file to act on the plugin it's self. I had taken the file you sent and developed it by adding a second audio file and side chaining it to the plugin, EVOC 20 PS in Ana mode, in order to use different units that side chain. That does pass pitch but that's all it does in that mode. Thanks, AW
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