  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    sidechain ES2
    Hello, I was trying to get the sidechain in the ES2 to work tonight and it won't. I followed the training in lesson 30 sidechaining and it doesn't work. Is there a preference or setting to do to get the sound to go through the ES2? I carefully followed each step to make it the same as the tutorial using a drum track. Can you side chain with an audio track or just midi? Thanks, Alan
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Hi Alan, Yes, you can use an audio track as the side chain source audio signal. A MIDI track can be the source too, but it must be sent to a bus. 1. On Audio Track 1 place a drum or rhythmic apple loop. 2. On A Soft Inst track open an ES2. 3. Select a preset you like. 4. At the top of the ES2's plug-in window click on the box next to the word side chain and select [i]Audio 1[/i]. 5. In the Router section select Cutoff 1 as the Target. 6. Via is Off. 7. Source is Side Chain. 8. Raise the fader on the router to the maximum. 9. Make sure the little b/p button at the top of the router is NOT highlighted. 10. Create a cycle area around your apple in the Arrange and make sure the ES2 track header is selected. 11. Press Play and play some notes. You should now hear the sound of the ES2 being affected by the drum loop. Does that work for you? Cheers Rounik
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Hello Rounik, thanks for writing back. I will try it later today and I will let you know. Thanks for your help and all you do. The TNT this month is real exciting and I am looking foward to next years TNT. Sincerely, Alan
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    No Sir it does not. Thanks, AW
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Hi Alan, I've posted this Logic project with an ES2 sidechained to an apple loop on an audio track here: [url][/url] Could you try it out to see if it works. Test it by resetting the slider on the Cuttoff 1&2 router to 0 and then all the way back to the top. You should hear the sound as being very different when sidechaining is active. Cheers Rounik
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Hi, yes I think so if not I will see if I can after all these Waves download finish. I downloaded the Mercury Demo but it's very difficult. I found it on one of David Issac's Tutorials. It really looks cool but expensive to purchase. I will try to give that a shot to see if that side chain works. I really told you that about Waves because I am curious if anyone knows how to do it. Thanks for all your help.
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Rounik, I am sorry Steve. I see that there is a region in the ES2 Track. Here's why it happened: I always thought that through side chaining we are just using circuitry inside the unit for an external audio source to use against the unit- that instrument's modulation circuit of the instrument as an example. I also realized the instrument must be triggered by midi on off and note number messages. In other words it's like sending it through a reverb unit or other plugin. It must have a midi region in order to work at all. Is that correct? The Audio or midi fed into the side chain still goes through the modulated room, as an example. However it must be triggered. Is that correct? Thanks, Alan
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: sidechain ES2
    [quote:34022] It must have a midi region in order to work at all. Is that correct? [/quote] No, You don't [i]need[/i] a midi region on the track, but without a region containing MIDI notes, you [i]need[/i] to be playing the ES2 either using a MIDI keyboard or the Caps lock Keyboard. Cheers Rounik
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Thanks Again.
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: sidechain ES2
    Rounik, thanks for sending this. It really means a lot. I will work with this to see what I can find sense it is very basic and doesn't use a bus. I am sorry for the trouble. Thanks, Alan
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