  • soundwriter
    Posts: 43
    Joined: Oct 28th, 2007
    Finding Tracks for Aux Channels
    Hello again everyone... Can someone please tell me how to find/view tracks for Aux channels I created with UB and or EXS 24 (i.e. i have a separate aux track for a snare in the EXS but can't find the track in Arrange window so I can edit it in the Piano Roll window. Thanks for any responses.
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Finding Tracks for Aux Channels
    Hi Soundwriter, Make sure you have loaded a multi output UB. 1. Go to the Mixer window 2. Click on the little + sign at the bottom right of the UB channel strip to create the Aux tracks. 3. Shift click on the new aux tracks to select them. 4. In the Mixer's local menu choose: Options > Create arrange tracks for selected channel strips. Cheers Rounik
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Finding Tracks for Aux Channels
    Hi Soundwriter, Just re-read your post... You don't need a separate Aux track in the Arrange to edit your snare assigned to say Aux 1. When you assign a sound (e.g. snare) to an Aux (e.g. Aux 1) the sound is routed to that channel from the Software Instrument Channel. However, the snare pattern should still be on the UB soft inst track in the Arrange for it to playback. You can find the snare pattern within the region on the UB soft inst track and edit it in the piano roll or if you prefer to have different tracks for each part of the drum kit you can demix the region by note: 1. Select the region in the Arrange. 2. in the local Arrange menu select: Region > Split/Demix > Demix by note pitch. Logic creates extra track lanes for each pitch that contains a MIDI note. Let us know if that helps. Cheers Rounik
  • mPV Support
    Posts: 1425
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    Re: Finding Tracks for Aux Channels
    [quote:7638] You don't need a separate Aux track in the Arrange to edit your snare assigned to say Aux 1.[/quote] Exactly! Editing notes in the Piano Roll would have no effect on an Aux track. However, a separate Aux track in the arrange would be useful if you want to automate insert effects, pan, volume, etc. for this Aux only. Christian
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Finding Tracks for Aux Channels
    [quote:1687] However, a separate Aux track in the arrange would be useful if you want to automate insert effects, pan, volume, etc. for this Aux only. Christian[/quote] Yes - that's the way! Having access to Aux tracks is so useful. Cheers Rounik
  • soundwriter
    Posts: 43
    Joined: Oct 28th, 2007
    Re: Finding Tracks for Aux Channels
    Thanks for the responses, I'm straight now.
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