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GarageBand 101
Absolute Beginner's Guide
by: Vanacoro
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  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Different recording
    I enclose video where is seen that piano has been recorded with normal (loud) sound but guitar on the bottom has much quieter sound, also its volume marker is in the beginning (quiet). And if I wanted to move guitar marker to the end as piano's is, the marker itself went to the left to the quieter position again. I want to record song that all sounds have equal loudness. But I can't. Why?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Different recording
    Ok.. 1] To balance the levels of all tracks use the volume sliders -- lower the level of the loud tracks, raise the level of the quieter ones 2] If a recording is too low in level [very small waveform], increase the recording level [the level of the incoming signal]. You can do this is one of two ways: a] Hit the "B" key and Increase the Record Level slider as shown in the screenshot below; b] If you're using an audio interface and the record level slider doesn't move [is greyed out as in the pic], you'd have to increase the recording level with the physical input level knob or slider on the interface itself Watch video #16 in the GB Course attached above 3] If a volume slider moves on its own [as in the video] then it's been Automated. Hit the "A" key to display the Automation data for the track [as in the screenshot below] and edit it as desired. Watch video #33 in the GB Course attached above
  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Re: Different recording
    Hi. Thanks for the answer! How can I watch these videos? I put on search video 16, gb course video 16, nothing. But a number of other videos appeared. And to search by labels, there were gb course at all among the others...
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Different recording
    Click on the "More Info" button in the link to the course at the top of this thread -- that'll take you to the course main page, where you can access the individual videos. If you want to watch the entire course you can get a Library Pass here:
  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Re: Different recording
    I chosed new track, it appeared with quiet volume slider, below is record level normal as other tracks. Does that record level shows the volume slider position of track ( in track list), or is it anything else? Why new audio track 2 appears with quiet slider and not as other tracks? You wrote rise the level of quiet tracks. Is it originally quiet track and will appear so for ever? Or can I change that appearing ( from +, as you see) that it will be appear as all other tracks? But that's true, I rose the level it recorded normally and the level stayed in position I put it. Video is included.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Different recording
    You can simply option-click on the volume slider of the new track to restore it to normal volume (unity gain), and then adjust it as needed for mixing. That has nothing to do with the level of the record level slider. I don't know why the volume of a new track was set so low -- by default it should be at unity gain when you create the track. Logic lets you save custom default new track settings but AFAICT GB doesn't offer that option. Maybe you accidentally changed the default but if that capability is hidden in GB I don't know where it might be -- the Logic options do not appear in GB.
  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Re: Different recording
    what is option click at all, and what is option click on the volume slider?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Different recording
    With some controls -- like Volume & Pan -- Option-click sets the control to its default value. For Volume that would be Unity Gain [±0]; for Pan that would be Center.
  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Re: Different recording
    Like chinese language. What is option click, where to tap, am I tapping on the keyboard? How can I simply make an option click on the volume slider, what I have physically to do? Where is unity gain?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Different recording
    Hold down the Option key and click directly on the Fader head [the round handle of the Volume slider].
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