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Garageband '11 101
Core Garageband '11
by: scottfreiman
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  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    - What are "Live Performance" effects..? Where do you see this? Ans: I select it from over in the hide-away panel to the right,,, View/Hide the Track Info. Are you talking about plug-ins in the Smart Controls pane? Ans: No. Not familiar with that. - Where do you see "No Effects" instead of "Live Performance"..? Ans: Right at the top left corners of every different "bubble"/segment/region. And the difference in sound is noticeable.
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    - Where do you see a Track-based preference for "Live Performance"? Ans: On the left of every track. Where the volume slider etc. is. - What did you mean when you said "The chosen "Live Performance" effect that I had selected was random"..? Ans: This is the problem. I want my chosen effect/sound for each track to be the same throughout the entire track. Who wouldn't... But now, certain bubbles/segments/regions have changed to the "No Effects" effect; and I cannot change them back to all being the same effect. Picture a long chain analogous to my track; all of a sudden half the chain's links are now a different shape or colour.
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    I don't see any of those terms or labels anywhere in GB. Are you talking about GB for macOS or iOS..? Ans: Sorry, I have no idea. This forum is nutty! It doesn't allow characters like chevrons or brackets?? Crazy. How would you prefer I send you photos? They might be really helpful, as your GB looks quite different than mine.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Hi Paul - Ok, now that I know that your version of GB is GarageBand'11/Version6.0.5, some of what you're saying makes more sense. I found an older course on that version of GarageBand -- I've changed the link at the top of this thread to point to that course, which should correspond to the version you're working with. It seems to be a pretty comprehensive course, so hopefully you'll be able to find some answers in there.. - The section on the right of your GB screen is the same as the Library on the left in my version -- they just moved it and changed the name, but the functionality appears to be the same. In there you're loading preset chains of Track-based plug-ins, so I would think that what I said about accidentally changing [Real Instrument?] effect preset chains should apply in your version of GB as well - I don't see any way to have effects tied to particular Regions on a Track [in either the older or current versions of GB] -- the only thing I see at the upper left corner of Regions is the Take number [which you'll see if you've recorded multiple Takes in Cycle mode] Since I can't poke around in my version of GB and duplicate what you might be seeing/doing [and I don't think I ever used that older version of GB], I can really only refer you to the course on the older version -- maybe check out video #63 [Insert Effects] and video #70 [Automating Effects]..? In fact, Automation is the only way I can think of that you could have different/changing effects at different times on the same Track in GB, but, again, that could be a version thing -- but hopefully that GB'11 course will be able to clarify a little.. PS - The Forum does seem to have some odd restrictions on characters at times -- I'm told it's due to the aggressive anti-spam software in use..
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Well, it was a long-shot to begin with. I do appreciate and admire you inherent willingness to help people out Joe. And you may indeed have, depending on what I discover in the link you sent. Keep up the good work! Paul.
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