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Core Garageband '11
by: scottfreiman
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  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    I use an older version on GarageBand. I was editing a song project when I noticed my main vox track sounded different in certain parts. The chosen "Live Performance" effect that I had selected was random. After trying to edit the reverb and echo in the Master Track, I realized the name of many on the vocal track "bubbles" or segments had changed to "No Effects" instead of "Live Performance". The track, like most others, clearly states my preference of "Live Performance" over in the left margin. But many segments/bubbles in the track randomly changed to say "No Effects" in small lettering at the top-left edge of many track bubbles. And you can hear the difference. I spent SO much time getting the vox just right - I don't want to have to re-do them from scratch; and I also want to know a solution in case this happens to me in the future. But nothing I know or tried can fix the problem. I do recall getting an error warning earlier (when I tried to extend one the the bubbles by a fraction) about "Flex-Time" markers. I don't know what that even is and assumed it was related to the features at the bottom like auto-tune, pitch etc. (I don't get involved in those things) so I said Yes to removing the Flex-time markers or Flex-time editing. Could this be related to my issue? I also have 3 different tracks in this project that are set to "No Effects". But no way on the vox tracks. I haven't clicked Save yet... so one possible option might be to keep on hitting Edit/Undo to undo an hour's worth of editing... I sure hope this is NOT my only option. Has anyone had this problem? Might you have some advice or questions? Much appreciated if so... Paul.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Hi Paul - I tried to suss out what you're describing, but aside from the fact that I have a fairly recent version of GB, there are several things in your description I don't understand -- I guess some of these might be labelling differences in a very old version of GB, but I'm sure some of them are not the standard GB terms for certain things, and I'm not sure what you're referring to. If I were to ignore the unfamiliar terminology I might guess that if effects have changed on a vocal track you may have inadvertently loaded up a different effect preset from the Library pane [on the left], but that's only a guess. Normally you'd do that by clicking on the name of the effect preset in the Library pane, but from your description I couldn't say for sure how/when you might have done that. The following terms and features are unfamiliar or not present in my version of GB.. - What are "bubbles" or "segments" -- do you mean Regions..? - By "Live Performance" do you mean an Audio track..? - What are "Live Performance" effects..? Where do you see this? Are you talking about plug-ins in the Smart Controls pane? - Where do you see "No Effects" instead of "Live Performance"..? - Where do you see a Track-based preference for "Live Performance"? - What did you mean when you said "The chosen "Live Performance" effect that I had selected was random"..? I don't see any of those terms or labels anywhere in GB. Are you talking about GB for macOS or iOS..? As to the Flex-Time question, Flex Time is the technology that allows audio tracks/Regions to be changed in tempo without the pitch changing too. Anything Flex-related could potentially change the timing of some audio in the arrangement, but I don't know if that could be related to your issue since I don't understand the specifics clearly enough, though it doesn't sound like it would be, since your issue seems to be related to effects and not timing. That said, generally if you're presented with a warning and you don't understand what the consequences will be of taking any action, it's probably best not to say Yes. I've linked this thread to a GarageBand course -- maybe there'll be something in there that will be helpful..?
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Thanks so much Joe, for your response. Admittedly, I am not well-read in GB; but I've been using it for a few years; I'm good at figuring things out but haven't "read the manual" fully so to speak. GB lives on my son's old Macbook Pro (2012 or 2014 I believe) and we have not upgraded it nor GB; so yes it's quite old; but it works. I owe you answers to your valid questions, and will try to take pictures as well. (I luv my Windows Snipping Tool on my desktop; but I don't know of such a feature for an old Mac; I may have to use my cellphone for pics). It's late, but I will definitely respond tomorrow with answers. And if you prefer to converse by e-mail instead, let me know. Cheers, Paul.
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Let me know if you just received my e-mail sent from my cell (Joe is it?) Thanks, Paul.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Hi Paul - AFAIK this Forum doesn't have any way to receive or forward email, so posting will have to suffice. I don't think GarageBand from 2012-2014 will have changed all that much in the current version, so I guess it's just a matter of getting the GB terminology straight for the sake of communication -- if it helps, I've attached a screenshot with labels below. [Btw - unfortunately you won't be able to attach screenshots -- the Forum is set up so only the moderator can do that]
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Hi Joe, Thanks for what you sent. I just wasted 20 minutes describing my problem in detail and answering your questions because this site says I violated a rule??...
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Can we do this by E? pwhiteside at sympatico dot ca.
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    I'm using GarageBand '11. Version 6.0.5 (428.5).
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    Trying again in here... Answers: - What are "bubbles" or "segments" -- do you mean Regions..? ---- Maybe, I just make them. For example in a back-up vocal track; you'll only have bubbles/regions/segments during the choruses, with big spaces through the verses. It's normal for me to even have a few different "regions"/bubbles through that chorus that are all touching; because I moved a better line or a few words overtop of a poorer part.
  • Student480253
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
    Re: Problem - Vocal track changed to different effects
    - By "Live Performance" do you mean an Audio track..? Ans: It's all audio; Live Performance is just the name of one on many different Effects one can select for the track to have; from over in the hide-away right panel (View/Hide the Track Info) where one can edit the Master Track or Instrument Track and under Vocals, choose Male Dance Vocals, No Effects, Megaphone, lots to choose from.
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