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Cubase 10 103
Audio Recording and Editing
by: matthewhepworth
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  • Student453440
    Posts: 57
    Joined: Dec 25th, 2019
    edit audio
    I have watched a lot of videos on editing guitar.... making 2 cuts and moving the chunk over slightly and doing a crossfade. But no one has made it clear in the videos what tool they were using to cut....??? In Cube do you just place the cursor and left clik or do you have to get a certain tool?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: edit audio
    It seems like you'd make the cuts with either the Split tool or the Range Selection tool, and then apply the crossfades via the Fade Handles—this video demonstrates the use of the Tools..
  • Student453440
    Posts: 57
    Joined: Dec 25th, 2019
    Re: edit audio
    cubase will not do any crossfades for me... I overlap and hit X but all I get is the stiches up and down but no crossfade and the crossfade option is greyed out on the menu.I have tried all the tools,split,select and made sure there is an overlap.. I tried both auto cross and not auto checked. I have it on equal power setting... it wont do it...?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: edit audio
    Keep in mind that if there is no audio beyond the edge of a region then there'll be nothing to crossfade with—trying to crossfade beyond the beginning or end of the actual (referenced) audiofile won't work (some DAWs give you a warning when this is the case) If that's not the case, then a couple of questions/suggestions.. - Did it work before and then stopped working, or has it never worked? - Did you try using the Range Selection tool to define the area for the crossfade? - Did you try selecting two regions with the Object Selector tool and applying a crossfade? - Are the overlaps on the same track or different tracks? (apparently they have to be on the same track to crossfade) - Did you try the usual troubleshooting tests..? - Full shutdown/restart; - Try in different session; - Try with different audiofiles; - Try as different (test) user; - Try blowing out Preferences; - As a last resort, try re-installing Cubase..? A quick web search suggests that this as been an occasional issue with various versions of Cubase—no definitive solutions offered, but resetting (blowing out) Preferences is sometimes suggested, and some seem to claim this solved problems for them.. I don't have Cubase to test with, so if you can't get it to work after thorough troubleshooting (as above), then it might be time to go to the source (Steinberg tech support)..
  • Student453440
    Posts: 57
    Joined: Dec 25th, 2019
    Re: edit audio
    I found that it wont cf unless you are in the edit screen. I was playing with it in the main track view. Whats strange is that you can cut and split and select etc in the main screen,no?? And you can save the changes from the track menu,no? Cf is a very commonly used feature and I think Cube would do well(and other DAWs) to streamline it better. Honestly it should have popped up a box right away that said you need to go the edit screen. And there could be a slicker easier way to draw the cf region. Maybe a dedicated tool just for cf.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: edit audio
    Hmm, are you sure about that?—I could swear I saw a couple of videos where crossfades were being created/adjusted in what appeared to be a main track view, but maybe I'm just not familiar enough with Cubase's UI (or maybe it's a limitation of the particular version of Cubase you're using?).. In many DAWs Fades created in an audio edit window would be destructive (rendered), while fades in the regular track window would be non-destructive (on the fly, more flexible but more CPU-intensive), but, again, I don't have Cubase here to check it out (the DAWs I use (Logic, Pro Tools, etc) do crossfades in their main track areas, via handles or the equivalent).. At any rate, if you got it working then I guess you're good to go.. :-)
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