Vital is an amazing new spectral warping wavetable synthesizer from Matt Tytel. To harness the power of this synth, you "vitally" NEED to watch this course by producer and sound designer Rishabh Rajan!
Oh no...look out... Bill Burgess is back with an Xtreme look at Omnisphere 2! Bill doesn't play by the rules and this course is no exception. So hold on tight & get ready to learn the crazy sonics that makes O2 so darn cool.
Rules! Golden Ratios and Spirals! What does this have to do with art? Designer – Mark Gatter – explains how visual principles have guided artists and designers since the beginning of time. See how these universal concepts apply to you and your art...
What is design? Who developed the universal visual concepts that designers have successfully deployed for centuries? These important questions and more are answered in this 20-tutorial journey by design historian and expert Mark Gatter.