Logic Pro X 10.3 is here and so is Steve H with a detailed look at what's new. Our friends at Apple have been busy creating all kinds of cool features. So see what's new in Apple's LPX 10.3 in this FREE, laser-focussed course!
GarageBand is the most popular music creation app in the world! Watch this iOS GarageBand course to see the exciting new Live Loops features and lots more with trainer Matt Vanacoro!
Join WaveLab Specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth in the first course of his in-depth two-part series about editing and mastering audio using WaveLab 7. You're about to witness first-hand how this great software can make your audio sing and dance!
iMovie '09 has undergone many changes, and is now better than ever at helping you to tell stories through video. This 6.5 hour, comprehensive tutorial will show you the way!