Steinberg's Cubasis 2 for iPad is like having Cubase in your pocket or at least in your backpack. This touch-optimized music and recording app is filled with features that'll surprise and inspire you. Learn Cubasis right now with Hollin Jones!
Watch out! Logic Pro legend, Bill Burgess, is back with some amazing Logic Pro Xtreme Sound Design tutorials! Learn some insanely great tips and tricks in this incredible, outside-the-box Logic Pro X course!
Reason 8 has all the tools you need to go from your initial ideas to a professional sounding track! In this 20-tutorial guide, you're off to a "Quick Start" with Reason expert Hollin Jones.
Reason comes with an incredible arsenal of effects. Watch this course and get a tour of each one with practical examples of what they can do to improve the sound of your tracks.