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Final Cut Pro 102
Clips: Import & Organize
by: benbalser
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  • Juanton88
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Feb 12th, 2021
    Final Cut Pro x
    Does anyone have any information on why the Panasonic dvx100a is not supported by final cut? and what other cheaper camera could I use to import mini dv tapes to Final Cut Pro?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Final Cut Pro x
    Hi - Since that's apparently an older discontinued model, if FCP no longer supports it I'd assume that's the reason -- Apple tends to drop support for older hardware [even their own] eventually.. I'm an audio guy myself, so I can't recommend cameras, but I've linked this thread to a FCPX course on importing video -- maybe some other FCP users/gurus will weigh in with suggestions..
  • BenB
    Posts: 522
    Joined: Feb 14th, 2011
    Re: Final Cut Pro x
    From Apple's web site: "FireWire device control for streaming capture for tape-based HDV, DV, DVCAM, DVCPRO, DVCPRO 50, and DVCPRO HD." There is no list of supported cameras, that statement is it, that's all Apple will tell you about video tape and Final Cut Pro. You may want to try QuickTime Player for capturing from video tape, also. It often works better. Now, very few cameras record to video tape anymore, so that's a dead technology at this point. But if you get a Firwire to USB adapter, you should be able to capture from the DVX 100a. It'll cut the recording up by timecode breaks, which are frequent on video camera tapes, just the nature of tape that stretches. You'll have to try it and see. Some folks have moderate success, but I'd super highly recommend getting off of video tape for a huge number of reasons.
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