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Premiere Pro CC 102
Working in the Timeline
by: kevinmcAuliffe
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  • Student487464
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Oct 24th, 2021
    Select silent parts of the audio track of a video
    Hello! I am not sure, I my question/problem belongs to the "video" or to "audio" :) Here is, what I want to do: I record videos, where I interview guests (via zoom call). Because I have a very sensitive microphone, it sometimes pick up some background noises (e.g. breathing etc.). Also the audio-track from the zoom-recording often has some noise in the part, where my guest isnt speaking. Is there a automatic option/tool, to get a selection of all the parts, which are e.g. quieter than -28 db? I want to emphasize, that I didnt want to use something like an auto-gate, because it effects all audio, not only the quiet parts. Instead I just want premiere to identify all parts, which are quieter than a fix db number. So I can delete them or put them into a different track or disable them. What I dont want: an automatic modify of all the parts. I want to have manual control over it, but its takes a hack of a time, if I select all the quiet parts by hand. Does anybody knows a automatic solution for this? To get a specific selection of the audio! Thank you in advanced :) :)
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Select silent parts of the audio track of a video
    Hi - In audio DAWs there's often a feature that cuts up the audio track into pieces by removing the quiet/silent sections [below the set Threshold, in your case I guess -28dB?] -- it's usually called Strip Silence or something like that. It basically works the same as a Noise Gate but after the audio is cut up, you'd have individual editing control over the cuts, in case you need to fix something. I don't think Premiere Pro has such an audio feature -- actually I'm an audio guy, and not a Premiere Pro user -- but I guess when the video edits are done you could export the audio into a suitable DAW [including Adobe Audition], do the gating/editing there, and bring it back into Premiere.. I've attached a Premiere Pro course to this thread [click More Info, above] -- there's a section on Working with Audio, maybe there'll be something in there that will be helpful, or maybe a Premiere guru will chime in with a suggestion..
  • Student487464
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Oct 24th, 2021
    Re: Select silent parts of the audio track of a video
    Hi Joe :) Thank you a lot, I will try that method out!
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