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Motion 101 - The Basics
Motion 101 - The Basics
by: iainanderson
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  • Per Hansa
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Feb 18th, 2022
    Adding Keyframes Disrupts "Snap Alignment", why?
    Please help. I created a map with an animated line in Motion 5. I then added a car image, added behaviors "Motion Path" and "Snap Alignment to Motion" to the car image, and ended up with this cool animation of the car following along the Bezier line build. But in order to keep the path of the animated line/car in frame I added keyframes so it pans along it's entire route. After doing this, the car now tumbles and rotates along the line path ("motion path" and "snap alignment to motion" no longer work). What am I missing?? fyi, I attached keyframes to "anchor points" as well as "position" points within the "Map Group" (both work to pan along the line animation on the map, keeping it in frame), but both also sent the car into tumble mode. I tried attaching screenshots of what I'm dealing with, but couldn't get them to attach, sorry. Thanks! Tom
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Adding Keyframes Disrupts "Snap Alignment", why?
    Hi Tom - I've attached a course on Motion to this thread -- there's a section on animation/behaviors/keyframes so maybe there'll be something helpful in there. If that course is too basic, here's a link to a course specifically on Animating Effects: and links to some other Motion courses that get further into specific areas: I'm an audio guy myself, so I can't offer advice on Motion, but hopefully an experienced Motion user/guru will take notice and weigh in with some useful suggestions..
  • BenB
    Posts: 522
    Joined: Feb 14th, 2011
    Re: Adding Keyframes Disrupts "Snap Alignment", why?
    Combining keyframes and behaviors is tricky as they interfere with each other. Before doing the Pan to follow the car, do one of two things. Create a camera, and keyframe only the camera position to do this effect, or place everything in on huge Group, then keyframe the position parameters of the Group. You'll be fine then.
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