  • Jim
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2006
    iDVD wont take anything but mp3 Help before Christmas
    Help before christmas, I'm trying to import or drag in audio .aiff but my iDVD will only accept mp3. Even if i resample as low as 8bit ot won't take it. Just freezes up. I have iLife 11 Mac intel 9GB ram 1TB HD
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Hi Jim, What bit rate are the original Aiff's - what app were they created in? Difficult to know what to suggest... have you tried setting your iTunes import settings to "Aiff" and then importing the file into your iTunes library and adding it directly in iDVD?
  • Jim
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Thanks for the speedy response. Bit rate 44.100. They were flac files and I converted them to aiff with xACT 1.5 I didn't know I could change the bit rate in iTunes I'm not an mp3 lover. Things sound much better to me even at 8bit but even at that 8bit iDVD freezes up.
  • Jim
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Sorry for the second response. My iTunes import settings are: AIFF Encoder Automatic And "use error correction when reading Audio CDs is un checked
  • Jim
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    After I burnned a DVD thru iDVD at 2X speed or at least that is what it says in the iDVD pref's and watch it, It stalls about 5 times throughout. Each time for about 1 sec and the continues on from that point. I have 644 images 720 X 480 jpg at 72dpi with around 12 or more audio clips saved out of "Felt Tip" Sound Studio at the highest quality something like 340mp3. Total time is 76 min with a 5 sec on each image and a basic disolve on the transitions. Also I set iDVD to 16:9 "Higest quality" Thanks
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Hi Jim, OK. A couple of things... 44.100 is sample rate (not bit depth)... So, it seems that you can create an iDVD project, right? iDVD is not crashing when you add the audio files any longer..? So what has changed since this became possible? ----- Have you tried using different media (DVDs)? Do you get any kind of error message? What do you mean: "It stalls about 5 times throughout"? Did you try setting the quality to a lower setting than "Highest Quality"? Thanks R
  • Jim
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Thanks for the response. Yes I can ceate a iDVD project but when I try to drage any audio to the little audio box or in the area where the images show up in the order you want them, I get the spinning beach ball. I let it go for over 15 minutes then forced quit iDVD. The other issue is when I successfully create a slide show of the size I'm doing and use mp3 audio and burn it to Maxell DVD-R and watch it on my mac 9GB ram it's soft and it stopes for about a second 5 different times throught the show. When I watch it on a set top DVD player I get the same issue but with this message 48khz 16bit. No I haven't trie setting the quality lower than Highest. I'll try that now but I wish I cpould import a higher quality audio file than mp3.
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Hi Jim This is odd... What exactly is the spec for your Mac? What Mac are you running? DO you have all the latest software updates for iDVD and iLife and OSX? Cheers Rounik
  • Jim
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Mac intel 9GBram 10.6.5 Snow Le0pard ILife 11 1TB HD's
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: iDVD wont take anything but mp...
    Hi Jim, I'm not sure what else to suggest... did you try repair permissions on your Mac? [url][/url] Best Rounik
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