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Final Cut Pro 202
Compositing and Visual FX
by: iainanderson
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  • toddwaddington
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Jun 17th, 2019
    Anyone have a FCPX or Motion workflow for 3DVista Pro
    Hello, This is my first post to this forum. I've been using FCPX for a number of years but am by no means an expert. I work in digital media, lots of real estate stuff, more. Recently purchased 3DVista for virtual tours. They offer great tutorials utilizing the Adobe suite (After Effects in the attached video). I know how to mask a video in FCPX to make it appear that a person is doubled, etc. This is a similar process, but not quite. Because it involves editing the video to be placed (aligned) into 3DVista as a "hotspot". It's a rather lengthy video but I'm guessing for those of you who know what you are doing, you might be able to skim through to direct me toward a FCPX/Motion workflow. The process begins at about the 8 minute mark. Thanks for any feedback. Great to be here.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Anyone have a FCPX or Motion workflow for 3DVista Pro
    Hi Todd - The video refers to "creating an animated panorama", but it's a very long video. Is that a generic term for a particular kind of edit, or a term specific to a feature of 3DVista Pro? As an audio guy I'm not sure exactly what process might be the equivalent of that in FCPX, so here's a link to MPV's FCPX course page, maybe you'll see something in the various TOCs that would fit..? I've also attached a course [click "More Info", above] on Visual FX in FCPX, in case there might be something relevant in there. I would think it might help if you could provide a brief verbal description of the effect you're looking to do, as an alternative to someone having to play through a 35-minute video to get the idea, but again I'm really an audio guy, and as you said, maybe an experienced video editor would recognize the effect/process straightaway..
  • BenB
    Posts: 522
    Joined: Feb 14th, 2011
    Re: Anyone have a FCPX or Motion workflow for 3DVista Pro
    You can do that same thing in Motion probably easier than in FCP. I do not understand why they have a JPEG in that project, since it's not used for anything. Working with 360 (which is different from 3D, technically) content in FCP and Motion (or any app) is a whole different ball game. But it can be done very easily. Motion and FCP work very differently than AE (thankfully), but the steps are the same: 1- Import 360 video. 2- Crop to just what you want to see. 3- Export to the format you need for 3DVista Pro. Like Joe said, none of us are going to sit through a full half hour video. I'd suggest you read up and practice working with 360 video in FCP (learn Motion, too, it's very easy to pick up quickly). Very quickly you'll get to understanding what you need to do in FCP.
  • toddwaddington
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Jun 17th, 2019
    Re: Anyone have a FCPX or Motion workflow for 3DVista Pro
    thank you so much! Yes, I realized it was a long video which is why I suggested checking the 8 minute mark. I suspected someone who understood this better would watch for 3 minutes and see what it is. The issue was, yes, she uses a lot of other tools which, once my 60+ year old brain began to absorb it, I realized that some of it was superfluous. But thanks for the Motion tip and the link. Yes, the software is called 3DVista. Not truly 3D although I think they are exploring Lidar, etc. Ben, Joe, thank you--Todd
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