Replace compound clip origin
Jul 20th, 2020, 03:27
i'm only starting to get familiar with FCP and am not sure if what i want is possible or if i'm doing it wrong.
i usually work with long video files when i edit, so to make the process simpler, i seek out the parts that i want from each file and make compound clips out of them. My event is full of only compound clips. Now i received the video files in better quality.
I want to know if there is a way to replace the original files by maintaining the cut? So for example, if my compound clip is 2:00-3:00 of file 1, it should be replaced by 2:00-3:00 of file 2.
I tried double clicking & replacing like i would with any clip on my timeline, but when i do so it just replaces the compound clip with the whole file.