Bringing part of Video to front.
Nov 12th, 2021, 02:51
Hi there,
I am new to FCPX, learning slowly and loving it. I have searched around for answers before resorting to posting this on a forum! (First time ever posting on a forum site).
Images here:
I am looking for a way to bring a certain part of the video in front of some text. Not the whole video, only a part of it.
I am creating a video with a pair of old fashioned hanging weighing scales, (using the analogy of 'life weighing you down'). As the large text 'LIFE' appears on one side of the scales, it becomes un-balanced and moves. To animate this i have added keyframes to the text 'LIFE' so it moves with the scales.
The area the text 'LIFE' is sat on, is a basket suspended by 3 hanging chains. To make the text look even more realistic i would like to place it behind the two front chains, so it appears to be sat in the basket.
What is the easiest way to go about this please?
My plan was to photoshop a small area of the image and text, placing the chains over the front of the text, and then add the image in to FCPX, lining it up exactly with the original video, and add key frames to the image. Is this the easiest way?
If there is an official way of bringing parts of the video to front, would love to know!
Thank you in advance!