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by: iainanderson
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  • Student487913
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Oct 29th, 2021
    melodyne 5 essentials crashes final cut 10.4.10
    Howdy. I recently installed Melodyne 5.1.1. 003. It's the Essentials that came with Ozone Nectar 3 Plus or possible Ozone 9 Standard. There are no problems when using the Melodyne plugin in Logic pro 10.5.1. But in Final Cut 10.4.10 it crashes when I try to open the particular project that I tried to use Melodyne in and a message pops up saying Melodyne is the problem. Other projects open fine, After uninstalling Melodyne from the computer, I could open that particular Final Cut project again but on some other projects a red "Missing Plugin" or "Missing File" appears. That's weird because I didn't even touch the Melodyne plugin until this last project. Any suggestions on how to get Melodyne working in Final Cut or at least disable it in so it's still useable in Logic? Possibly once this project is done I could reinstall Melodyne and never touch the button in any new ones. Finally, where is a good resource for understanding Final Cut's file system? This library, project, events has had my head spinning for a couple years. Thanks a bunch! David
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: melodyne 5 essentials crashes final cut 10.4.10
    Hi David - A quick search didn't turn up any references to issues with Melodyne 5 & FCP, so my first thought is that maybe it could be a version issue -- maybe that version of FCP has an issue with Melodyne 5 [the particular OS version could also be relevant.]..? Of course it could just be a mysterious issue specific to your setup. If nobody is able to offer any guidance, then this might be one of those issues where a call to Celemony may be in order, at least to see if they've had any reports of similar issues.. [I'm an audio guy myself, and I don't have FCPX here to try it with Melodyne].. I assume that FCP accesses the same AU [component] version of the Melodyne plug-in. Can't you just avoid loading Melodyne in FCP? Unless you get a warning about incompatible plug-ins when you open FCP, I would think new FCP Projects should just ignore the Melodyne plug-in as long as you don't try to use it, allowing you to leave it installed and available in Logic. [If you want to be able to get back into that FCP Project that crashes, maybe you can temporarily uninstall Melodyne, open and remove it in the FCP Project where you had used it, re-save the FCP Project, and then re-install Melodyne for use in Logic].. Logic has a feature called Plug-in Manager [under the Preferences menu], which lets you disable specific plug-ins from loading -- I wonder if FCP has a similar option..? [I tried searching "FCP Plug-in Manager" but no luck].. As to your other question about FCP's file system.. I've attached a basic FCPX course -- maybe there'll be something useful in there. There are a lot of other FCPX courses as well -- including one specifically about Importing & organizing Clips -- that might also be worth a look..
  • Student487913
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Oct 29th, 2021
    Re: melodyne 5 essentials crashes final cut 10.4.10
    Hey Joe, Thanks for the response. It seems that a lot of the plugins in Logic are also available in the Audio Effects in Final Cut. But after digging around a couple hours I can't find how to turn them off individually in F C. Your suggestion to install Melodyne and just leave it alone in Final Cut seems the best solution for now. Once this project is finished, that's what I'll do. I write and record simple tunes at home and make videos to post them on YouTube. Getting better at recording, mixing and mastering in Logic is mainly what interest me. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question!
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