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by: iainanderson
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  • Student485528
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Sep 1st, 2021
    FCP Storage locations dialog box keeps popping up!
    I'm a Mac user. As I am editing video in Final Cut Pro, the "Set storage locations.." dialog box keeps popping up. I've tried the different settings / different locations but it keeps popping up over and over again. It will go away for less than a minute before popping up again! I thought it might have something to do with the 3rd party plugins, so I removed them, restarted FCP and the dialog box still popped up. I am not even sure the correct way to reinstall it. Any recommendations as to what I could try?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: FCP Storage locations dialog box keeps popping up!
    I would guess that FCP is looking for the drive where some library material in the project is located and can't find it -- maybe it's not currently connected or is connected but not mounted. Or maybe the Library files on the HD have been moved or renamed? Does it happen only in one Project or in others as well? If it only happens in one project then I'd guess that that Project contains material located in the missing Library/drive. If you haven't done it yet, I'd also do a full shutdown/restart.. I'm not a FCP user myself -- I'm an audio guy -- so I can't offer more specific suggestions. I did find an Apple support page that talks about Setting storage locations.. and I've linked this thread to a basic FCPX course -- maybe a more regular FCP user will have a thought..
  • Student485528
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Sep 1st, 2021
    Re: FCP Storage locations dialog box keeps popping up!
    Thanks Joe, Yea, typically if the program can't connect to it you get a red screen that shows that the link is bad. It's not happening in all of the other libraries, so its got to be the files within the libraries still. I'm not sure, its very inconsistent with how it behaves. I'm also wondering if there is an issue with my files synching with the cloud (Sharepoint). Weird, I have been using Final Cut Pro for years without problem. Chris
  • iain-anderson
    Posts: 24
    Joined: Nov 1st, 2016
    Re: FCP Storage locations dialog box keeps popping up!
    That’s not normal behavior, and would point to your media being on an unstable drive. If it’s on a network then your connection could be dodgy, but media should be local. If it is local, the drive could be failing. Where is your media located? If it is being backed up to Sharepoint then yes, I would suspect a cloud syncing issue and would move the media to a local SSD with a separate cloud backup.
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