After working with Logic for the last couple of months, I've reached small dilemma with recording keyboard audio tracks into one of my songs. Tonight I purchased the PreSonus AudioBox USB to test out the idea of recording what I consider a really hot yamaha keyboard preset. However I began recording the track only to experience a "distant/spacious audio," instead of the tight "in my face" sound that I like when laying keyboard tracks. I'm puzzled. Definitely no latency, no effects or EQ on the piano preset, the sound is flat but clean and dynamic. I've got to have this preset in the track mix.
With this being the first time I've recorded electronic keyboard audio in as an audio track, can anyone assist with a tip or two on what I may possibly be missing? (Especially if you have the PreSonus AudioBox as your interface.)
If I can't get the pure preset sound, I'll be forced to take the unit back to find a better one. (And I'm really not fond of USB anyway, firewire is so much more solid).