Hello! I was hoping someone here could give me some guidance. I recently returned from a shoot only to discover the ATT switch (attenuate) was flipped on for some of the footage. Unfortunately, since the ATT option keeps the audio level from physically clipping but not audibly sounding distorted, the cameraman didn't realize the gain was too high while watching the levels (the headphone jack was busted, fyi).
My problem now is that the audio sounds distorted (hard clipping), but normal, in-program clipping options don't find anything wrong during analysis since the waveform never gets above approx -6 dB.
I only put this in the Soundtrack Pro forum because that's what we have here at my job, so if someone knows how I can clean up the audio (not necessarily looking for perfection, but hopefully a little better) I would be greatly appreciative. If there is no way to do it in Soundtrack but you know of another program, please explain that, as well. I may be able to talk my boss into buying it if I throw enough techno-babble at him. ;)
Thank you for your time! :)