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Audio Concepts 107
Analog Tape Recording
by: joealbano
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  • Nyguzya
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Apr 20th, 2017
    Teac A3440 and old, unopened, reel tapes
    In 2006 I got a Teac A3440 but track 4 was bad (horrible screeching noise playing back the tapes that came with it and it wouldn't record on track 4). I bought some close-out 10 inch reel tapes from Musicians Friend back then (2006) to use when I got the recorder repaired. Fast forward 15 years and I finally got the Teac A3440 repaired. Can I still use the unopened 15 year old tapes with this recorder or do they degrade over time and wouldn't be worth the effort? Eric I'm trying to post links to a photo hosting site but they aren't showing. Maybe you can extract the addresses between the [img] tags. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Teac A3440 and old, unopened, reel tapes
    Hi Eric - Tapes do degrade over time, and 15 years is pretty old. A lot depends on how they were stored (temperature, humidity, etc) -- it'd be a shame to gunk up the heads/guides of a newly-working recorder if the tapes start to flake or ooze. There are a number of companies that work with older tapes, using special techniques to get deteriorated tapes to play [a search for "tape restoration" should turn up a few]-- it might be worth a call in to get some feedback from those who specialize in those particular issues with old tapes.. Sorry, the site doesn't allow for user posting of photos -- it's part of the aggressive anti-spam filtering used.
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