Re: Studio One v5 Quick Start
Sep 15th, 2020, 01:52
PreSonus's Studio One has established itself as a serious contender in the DAW world, and v5 is the current iteration of this capable workstation. Since its introduction, Studio One has evolved into a full-featured, powerful DAW, and Josh Carney's new Quick Start Guide may be the key to getting the most out of it.
The course covers installing Studio One, configuring audio and MIDI devices, and getting the ball rolling with an initial project. Josh explains how to record and edit MIDI performances and use the MIDI tools at your disposal. There's a tour of v5's new Score Editor, for those who need traditional music notation. Next comes a deep dives into audio recording and editing, including how to record and edit vocals, and how to tweak them with the integrated Melodyne Essentials. There's a section on getting great guitar sounds with the built-in Ampire amp sim, a collection of arranging and mixing tips, and to wrap things up a tutorial on how to export a completed project and share it with the world.
The course should be helpful to both Studio One beginners and more experienced DAW users -- it's a must see for anyone who want to up their game in music and audio production.