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UVI Falcon 101
UVI Falcon: The Video Manual
by: joealbano
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  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    UVI Falcon (2)
    Falcon is UVI's entry in the high-end sampler field—it's actually a hybrid synth/sampler, and the recently-released Falcon 2 adds more synth engines and effects to the already-comprehensive options and features that make Falcon a serious instrument for anyone interested in a high-end VI. Not only is Falcon the engine behind MOTU's popular MachFive sampler, but it's now included as a bundled instrument with Pro Tools, which should bring it to the attention of even more users. As you'd expect from a high-end synth/sampler, Falcon can be pretty complex if you want to really get in there and tweak its sounds and effects creatively, but MPV's latest course "UVI Falcon - The Video Manual" digs into the beast to provide a comprehensive look at Falcon's architecture and features, to give Falcon users a rolling start as they jump into this powerful instrument.
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