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Keyboard Techniques 201
Advanced Keyboard Techniques for Producers
by: Vanacoro
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  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    New Course: Advanced Keyboard Techniques for Producers
    Matt Vanacoro's new course "Advanced Keyboard Techniques for Producers" is for music producers looking to sharpen their keyboard skills with advanced keyboard techniques. This is a course specifically for producers who already have some playing experience, and are looking to expand their keyboard skills and knowledge of music theory. A couple of videos a week, coupled with a little practice of the techniques and concepts shown, should greatly enhance playing, improvising, and music writing skills. The course starts off with a quick pre-test to determine who's ready to tackle the course [beginners will want to start with the first "Keyboard Techniques for Producers" course instead]. It shows how to go beyond basic triads, to seventh chords, ninth chords, and altered chords. The course moves on to improvising melodies using various scales and modes, showing how to read lead sheets, different ways to play open- and closed-voiced chords, and the specifics of playing different keyboard sounds like acoustic and electric pianos, organs, and analog synths. So for those who are ready to take their keyboard skills to the next level, here's the course that can lead the way.
  • Dark Lane
    Posts: 27
    Joined: May 14th, 2020
    Re: New Course: Advanced Keyboard Techniques for Producers
    I've just completed this course and can't recommend it highly enough. Matt's a talented musician and trainer and the balance of theory, practice and the practical side of how to compose and play keyboard instruments is perfect. Thanks to all involved Steve
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