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Physical Modeling 101
Physical Modeling Explored
by: joealbano
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  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    New Course: Physical Modeling Explored
    Physical Modeling instruments utilize algorithms to create the sound of the instrument from scratch. This can make for highly realistic acoustic-sounding instruments (or sound effects) which not only sound natural, but can be designed to emulate the complex response and musical subtlety of real physical instruments, for more expressive playing. This new course -- "Physical Modeling Explored" -- takes a look at the basic concepts of physical modeling and a collection of modeled instruments, from hardware modelers to dedicated modeled instruments to general-purpose virtual modelers. The course starts off with a brief history of the evolution of Physical Modeling synthesis over the years. It compares Physical Modeling with Sampling -- the upsides and downsides of both methods -- and goes over the concepts and terminology involved. The modelers covered include physical modeling hardware instruments like the Yamaha VL-1 and Korg Prophecy -- hardware synths from the mid-90s -- and the Line 6 Variax guitars and Roland V-Drums, as well as software synthesizers like Logic's VB3 & VEP, Modartt's Pianoteq, IK Multimedia's MODO Bass and Drums, AAS modelers, and more... So if you're curious about the ins & outs of physically modeled instruments, this course should provide a good look at the technology and some of the best modelers out there.
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