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Arturia V 107
Arturia Jup-8 V and Jun-6 V Explored
by: rishabhrajan
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  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    New Course: Arturia JUP-8/JUN-6
    In the 80s Roland cane out with some classic analog synths, including the Juno -6 and Jupiter-8. Cut to the present, and Arturia has released software emulations of those two iconic instrument, adding to their already extensive collection of modeled analog synthesizers, and Rishabh Rajan explains everything you need to know about them in his new course "Arturia V Jup-8 and Jun-6 Explored". The course starts off with an overview of Arturia's JUP-8V user interface, including the menus, the main synthesizer control panel, and the hidden advanced control panel. Following that is a deep dive into the heart of the JUP-8, with a thorough look at the VCO, VCF and VCA sections, the unlimited modulation possibilities offered by the Advanced panel, the Arpeggiator and Sequencer, the effects, and more. The second section of the course the digs into the JUN-6V, covering every control of that synth is detail. the course as a whole should provide a solid understanding of the both of these synth emulations. Anyone who's a fan of Roland's classic analog synthesizers will want to check out this course, and take a trip back to the 80s for some serious synthesizer fun.
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