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Behringer 2600 101
Behringer 2600 In Depth
by: rishabhrajan
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  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Behringer 2600 Course
    Alan R. Pearlman's ARP 2600 is one of the most iconic synthesizers of all time, and originals are in short supply. But Behringer has added to their growing collection of reasonably-priced hardware replicas of classic synths with the Behringer 2600, a smaller-format version of the 2600 that channels the sound and vibe of that classic synth. The 2600 is a complex beast, but Rishabh Rajan's new course "Behringer 2600 In Depth" covers the ins & outs of this semi-modular synthesizer. The course starts off with an overview of the front panel, with a quick look at every module and an explanation of the normalled (internal) audio signal path of the synth. Then, it dives deep into every feature of the synth, including the 3 Voltage Controlled Oscilaltors (VCOs), the Voltage Controlled Filter/Resonator (VCF), the Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA), the ADSR & AR Envelopes, the LFOs, the built-in Reverb, the Mixer, and more. The course also covers advanced features like Hard Syncing oscillators, Ring Modulation, and Sample & Hold, and how these features work on the 2600. The course's 22 tutorials are full of sonic and patching examples, and should provide a solid understanding of the architecture and creative possibilities of this reimagined version of the 2600. So pull out your patch cables and dig in!
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