  • Bapuhao
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Apr 14th, 2013
    Steps into mixing?
    I 've watched a lot of tutorials but I am confuse regarding the steps into mixing. 1- In a mix project when do you add plugins to the master fader ( At beginning/ at the end/ it doesn't matter ). 2- I guess busses & groups are after a rough mix ( Is it better to add the plugins only in the busses and not the tracks/ it doesn't matter). 3- The only way to add several tracks on the same fader is by making a group ? ( In Logic Pro) 4- In the last step do I have to bounce all the tracks in one file/ several tracks on many files & stereo/mono? Thank you
  • BenB
    Posts: 522
    Joined: Feb 15th, 2011
    Re: Steps into mixing?
    1- Depends on your goal. I'll leave this to one of the more experienced mixers here to elaborate. 2- I would always do a rough mix before adding effects. You want the raw sound to be its absolute best before altering it in any way. That way, reverbs, flangers, etc, are all working with the best quality source. There is an old saying for old programmers, "Garbage data in, garbage data out." That applies to audio/video work, too. 3- Yes, you want to Group tracks so you can mix them all at the same time with the same control. 4- Depends on your goal. Do you want to bounce it down for playback on your stereo to enjoy? Then one single file. Do you want to take individual tracks to another application for further work? Then bounce to multiple files.
  • Bapuhao
    Posts: 39
    Joined: Apr 14th, 2013
    Re: Steps into mixing?
    I want to mix the best way so I can prepare the audio files for pre-mastering . Is there a difference in a subgroup/submix & tracks groups. If you want a plugin with only one instrument is it better to send it to a bus or just add it on the track knowing that it will be the only place of use? (I guess for less % of CPU= would be better 4 tracks into 1 bus for the same effect? Is the purpose of importing an audio file mono is to remix it in stereo in the final mix. I've read that some engineers use a 3 layers approach from top layer to top down.
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