  • Triglyph
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Aug 22nd, 2014
    Soundtrack Pro asks for serial number everytime it starts up
    I had SoundTrack Pro installed on my old Mac Pro and migrated everything to new Mac Pro. It opens and works OK, but everytime I start it up, it asks for my serial number, which I enter. Same is true with DVD Studio Pro. While we're on the subject, I think it's downright unethical for Apple to deliberately, even maliciously has made these fine programs obsolete. Same way they utterly miss the boat on making roundtrips to Soundtrack or Pro Tools impossible. They already spent the money to develop STP — why stick their finger in the eye of loyal users?
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Soundtrack Pro asks for serial number everytime it...
    hmmm... not sure what to suggest here. Sounds like not everything was migrated over :( I miss STP... but Apple won't spend time developing software they're not going to continue putting out there.
  • Triglyph
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Aug 22nd, 2014
    Re: Soundtrack Pro asks for serial number everytime it...
    I understand if Apple just decided not to sell it anymore but the point is that it is already fully developed. They don't need to spend any more money on it. Maybe one guy to do occasional updates to keep it compatible. Apple has a consistent history of abruptly terminating software for no real reason. I would be very hesitant about ever buying "professional software" from them again. The real issue is that they deliberately make it impossible to use with FCPx. This is borderline unethical.
  • Triglyph
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Aug 22nd, 2014
    Re: Soundtrack Pro asks for serial number everytime it...
    Same applies to DVD Studio Pro. If they were supplying a substitute or even making it possible to include Pro Tools or Adobe Audition in the workflow, that would be different, but they are not. To purposefully make it impossible to include pro software in the workflow is something that even Microsoft would never do. Nor would Adobe or Autodesk. Imagine that — Apple is doing something to loyal customers that not even Microsoft would do!
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Soundtrack Pro asks for serial number everytime it...
    I think you might want to look back in time at what Adobe did to the MacroMedia products they "bought" and took on... "Director" springs to mind... did they develop it and keep one of the most powerful and accessible apps for development alive and kicking?? Hint: the answer is no. Bear in mind, keeping software compatible with current and new OSs and fixing bugs and adding new features is not a one man job!!! It requires a lot of time and man/woman power... and a vision or direction for the future. Also curious as to how Microsoft make their products compatible with Apple's Pages or WordPerfect or other standards exactly?? Either way, as a business model, why would Apple, who make hardware and software, want to support a competitors product like Pro Tools and offer tight integration which Avid could at any time break by altering their code in an update, when they can spend time building integration with their own pro software?? Having said all that I too miss STP, but we just don't know what's in development from Apple or 3rd parties that'll take the place of STP in the future... ;-)
  • Jemadyi
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Mar 6th, 2019
    Re: Soundtrack Pro asks for serial number everytime it starts up
    The issue which is I am having on the soundtrack pro as I was trying to get it connected with my iTunes but the connection is not happening and the serial is required to make the connection. It is showing iTunes error 9 and I am unable to fix that. I have also contacted
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