  • Soundtrack Pro
    Posts: 4
    Joined: Oct 19th, 2010
    Making an Audio CD
    I am having a problem making an audio CD with multiple tracks with different lengths in it. For example, when I record a long lecture and split into multiple tracks, then, regardless of the length of the tracks, all the tracks record as a same length. Please help.
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Making an Audio CD
    Hi Soundtrack Pro, Welcome to the forums. I'll need some more info on your Mac, version of OSX and version of STP. What do you mean by: " regardless of the length of the tracks, all the tracks record as a same length." Specifically what do you mean by "record as a same length"... are you trying to export each track to a single audio file? If you have Soundtrack Pro 2 or 3, do you have Final Cut Studio or Logic Studio? If you have Logic Studio then I would recommend using Waveburner to make an Audio CD. Hope this helps Rounik
  • Soundtrack Pro
    Posts: 4
    Joined: Oct 19th, 2010
    Re: Making an Audio CD
    Thanx for your quick reply Rounik! I am using OS 10.6.5 on a MacBook Pro, using Soundtrack Pro 3.0.1. Here's my problem again... I use soundtrack pro to edit the church sermons and break it up into multiple tracks to record them on a CD as either wav or aiff format. When I export these multiple tracks, I don't know exactly what I did to cause this, all tracks export in equal lengths (to the longest tracks of all), even though some tracks are much much shorter. I've tried this on my friend's iMac, all the tracks export according to its lengths just fine. So I am thinking I somehow altered the setting somewhere but I couldn't really figure it out. I don't know if I explained my problem clearly... Thanx again for your help.
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Making an Audio CD
    Hi again, Could you confirm whether you have Final Cut Studio or Logic Studio? Either way, once you're happy with your edits in STP, choose the File > Save as... Make sure that "Collect audio files" is checked. Specify a new folder to save to and in the media folder your audio files will be there of the correct length. Export audio is designed to export all audio files in a project to be the length of the longest audio file. Hope that helps Rounik
  • Soundtrack Pro
    Posts: 4
    Joined: Oct 19th, 2010
    Re: Making an Audio CD
    hm... I have Final Cut Studio. I followed your direction but that only pertains to the working tracks but not the final product I want. What I want to do is to be able to "export" in the original length of the tracks, which you said "export audio is designed to export all audio files in a project to be the length of the longest audio file." However, this was not the same case on my friend's Mac. He uses the version 2.0, and he is able to "export" in original lengths of the tracks. Thanx for your precious time...
  • Soundtrack Pro
    Posts: 4
    Joined: Oct 19th, 2010
    Re: Making an Audio CD
    As you can tell already, I'm a noobie to this field... ^^
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Making an Audio CD
    Hi, Oh... OK. I thought this was a feature... if it works as you say in STP 2.0 then in that case I'd put this down to a bug in STP 3... Normally, I don't work with my individual audio tracks in STP in multitrack project. Out of interest why not create separate projects for each audio file? Also, what do you mean by: "I followed your direction but that only pertains to the working tracks but not the final product I want." I don't understand why the Save as... workaround isn't suitable for what you need. Thanks! Rounik
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