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Sibelius 7 102
Piano Score Project
by: thomasgoss
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  • Student130643
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Jun 25th, 2010
    Sibelius 7.1 change one staff to grand staff
    A treble clef is jammed with keyboard part for two hands. I am a newbie. Can you provide a detailed description of how to ( in effect remove all the leger lines ) change the single treble clef, into a treble and a bass clef, which has the top 2-3 notes in the treble and the remainder in the bass clef? Thank you
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Sibelius 7.1 change one staff to grand staff
    Hi - I don't have Sibelius here to check, but you should be able to create a standard piano staff by selecting the Piano template when you create a new file. In an existing file maybe you could change the staff from a single staff to a piano staff -- in the manual there seems to be some discussion of this in the section about the Home tab (changing Instruments?). Every score program I've used has a way to set the dividing note between piano staffs and even to manually move notes between treble & bass clefs, and I'm sure this can be done in Sibelius as well, but again, I don't have Sibelius here so I can't be more specific as to the exact procedures for any of these settings and adjustments. I've attached a link to a Sibelius course (above, click More Info) specifically about creating a piano score -- perhaps that will provide some guidance. There's also a more general beginner's Quick Look course that might be helpful.. Btw, I've moved this thread to the Sibelius subforum (Forums Home > Audio > Sibelius).
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