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Maschine Mk3 101
Absolute Beginner's Guide
by: mattcellitti
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  • Student471985
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Nov 5th, 2020
    Only one scene does not work on Maschine 2, instruments loading but not producing sound. Please advise.
    I am brand new at this but every time I open up Maschine 2 there seems to be a new issue with it. This time its the instruments in a specific scene. The other two scene in the project work fine and load/play the instruments properly. The third scene does not. It will load an instrument from my library but will not generate a sound when I play.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Only one scene does not work on Maschine 2, instruments loading but not producing sound. Please advise.
    Hi - Ok, so the obvious question would be what's different about the problematic third scene. It sounds like the kind of issue that would be difficult to troubleshoot without a lot of specifics, or without actually seeing it in action. I'm not a Maschine user myself, but I suppose a user with this problem might try some of these troubleshooting steps, to try and pinpoint the source of the problem.. - Try creating another (fourth) scene and see if that works as expected - See if the same thing happens with every instrument, or just with certain instruments - Check if there are any output/routing settings that might be affecting that third scene - Check to see if it could be a memory/capacity issue -- does that third scene work on its own, if the other two scenes are not also loaded/active..? And the usual troubleshooting step.. - Try power-cycling the device and then see if it begins to work properly I've linked this thread to one of our Maschine courses -- perhaps there'll be something helpful in there, or maybe another Maschine user or guru will have an idea.. I've also moved the thread to the Native Instruments subforum
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