  • Rexinator
    Posts: 43
    Joined: May 30th, 2009
    Calling all Reaktor pros
    I purchased Komplete 7 several years ago, and I've been a heavy user of Massive, Absynth and Kontakt. But I never took the time to dig into other Komplete instruments, particularly Reaktor (although I know it's awesome). Call me lazy, but that one has been more daunting. Recently, I read a short post about how the Cyan ensemble in Reactor was under-appreciated and was really cool for generating lush pads. From the description, it sounded like it was one of Reaktor's many instruments. So I went fishing for this in the Reaktor Factory library, and sure enough, I found it under Ensembles in a folder called 'Electronic Instruments 2'. So I popped this on an instrument track, played a few MIDI notes, and got.....nothing. I tried messing with the MIDI channels, dragging audio into it (in case it was a sampler), etc., but still nothing. Finally, I spent some time googling and learned that it is one of the many audio [b]effects[/b] within Reaktor (basically a chorusing effect) and is deployed by placing Reaktor FX on an audio track (with an audio file of choice in place). This ate up some time and confirmed my trepidation about Reaktor. On the other hand, I found some awesome sounds while playing with this. So my question is: Is there a way to tell whether something listed in one of the 'Electronic Instruments' folder of the Factory section of the Browser is actually an effects processor vs. a synth-like instrument (other than you get no sound on an instrument track with an effects ensemble)? Maybe the manual clarifies this, but the Browser organization is confusing. I own several of MPV's tutorials on NI instruments, such as Komplete (101) and NI Komplete TNT (303), and I even took notes while watching, but I had no clue about how to distinguish effects from instruments in the Factory ensembles lists. Is this covered in the Reaktor Revealed series (203)? Thanks!
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